Visual Basic 6 Runtime Files: These
2 files are needed for the programs created with Visual Basic 6 or less.
Just copy these files to your C:\Windows\System\ folder. To check if you
have these files search for MSVBVM60.dll and oleaut32.dll *900 KB*
Random Quran Verse
A Day: This program starts up with your computer and displays a random
verse from the Quran. It will automatically close after the number of seconds
you specify but you can press Pause to keep it open. It also comes with
the options of saving the verse that you got to a file and seeing the verses
after and before it. You can also click Random Verse again to get another
one. Really cool. Download it.
*380 KB*
Operation-X 0.7 Beta: Here is version 0.7
of the game we were going to make. 1.0 was supposed to include enemies,
scrolling world instead of different scenes, and nukes to collect, but
after the system crash we lost all the source code so we are not going
to continue this game. But you can still download the beta
*357 KB*
Mo-Paint 2000:
I decided to release the first version even though needed a few finishing
touches. Here is Mo-Paint 2000 as it stood 2 weeks before the re-editing
of the Second Edition. It is pointless. I just put it here because it was
really small and I thought people would like to see it. I didn't bother
spending time to write a help file for this. If you need help then check
the help file in the Second Edition. The source code of this program was
used for Mo-Paint 2000 (Second Edition) and no backups were made. So the
source code for this edition is not available.
*60 KB*
Mo-Paint 2000 (Second
Edition): Mo-Paint 2000 was finally finished. So here is the Second
Edition with a new Status Bar, Dedication, Help File, Splash Screen, Icon
Extracter, Secrets, 100 more sizes, and hundreds of more fonts. I just
finished making a help file for it. It has true 24-bit graphics and many
options Paint has and things it doesn't even have. The current version
has: Ellipse (Circle), Rectangle, Pencil, Crayon, Crayon With Color Inverter,
Text, Hundreds Of Fonts, Clear Image, Print Image, Save, Load, 24-bit colors,
300 different sizes, Status Bar, Icon Extracter, 10 Cool Secrets, Cool
Splash Screen, Help File, About, Microsoft Paint Brush Loader, and Background
color changer.
*105 KB*
South Park Game
2000: This is a dumb little program I made as a joke. You can't even
change directions in this game but you there are a lot of funny little
options. It is small so it won't hurt to download.
*18 KB*
Alarm Clock: This
is a little alarm clock that I made when learning Visual Basic. I added
4 sound files that you could use as the alarm sound and you can put your
own wave file. Just rename whatever sound file you want as 'Alarm.wav'
and put it in the same folder with the Alarm Clock program. Read the text
file accompanying this program for more information on how to do it. You
must also read the text file to see how to use it.
*75.6 KB* - One .EXE file (14 KB), 1 text file
(5 KB), and 4 sound files (70 KB)
Clock 2.0: This is a great alarm clock
program that I made. I just added more options: You can choose which sound
file is played (Ex. C:\Windows\Windows98.wav or Knock.wav), you can see
the date also, the Alarm On is fixed so that you don't have to click it
again every time you type in a new time, and the BEEP is fixed. I also
added 4 more sound files to the collection: A Ringing sound, a zapping
sound, a guy screaming, and a beaming sound.
*101 KB* - One .EXE file (15 KB), 1 text file
(5 KB), and 8 sound files (81 KB)
MOuse Co-ordinator 1.0:
I wonder who noticed that Mouse is spelled with a capital MO as in for
"Mo" my nickname. This is a great utility for any programmer! It is basically
useless to anyone else, though. It gives the X, Y co-ordinates of the mouse
position. The way you should use it is, if you need to position an object,
picture, etc. on your program and you are doing it with something like
Basic, Pascal, C/C++, HTML, Java, Visual Basic, Perl, Delphi or Assembly
then you simply move the mouse over the area where you want to put the
object and look at the co-ordinates so that you can know where to put it.
*4 KB*
MOuse Co-ordinator
1.5: This is an upgraded version that I made after realizing how stupid
I was to remove its presence from the taskbar at runtime. If you want it
not to appear on the taskbar then get Version 1.0; but if you want to be
able to Alt+Tab to it to find your position, then you should go with this
*5 KB*
MOuse Co-ordinator
2.5: This yet another version which I made a couple of minutes after
2.0, which was a couple of minutes after 1.5, becuz some other idea hit
me. What if the user wants more than one co-ordinate, like say if you wanted
to move a picture from "X: 0, Y:0" to "X:137, Y:100" and then to
"X:200, Y:200". You would have to memorize the co-ordinates one after the
other. Version 2.0 had 4 slots, so that after you found your desired location,
you click the checkbox. I thought about that (Well, if someone has to go
to click the box, then they lose their position. Right?) and I made version
2.5 and added "Hotkeys". To stop the first slot from saying co-ordinates
and move to the second, you push the number '1' on the keyboard and then
'2' and so on. A Mouse 3.0 is coming out if it isn't below this one already,
that will allow you to save files that contain your current slots to disk.
I didn't bother releasing 2.0 because it was of no use. Something is wrong
with this version that I don't know how to fix. When you stop all 4 slots
and then you want to change the 3rd slot, the 4th changes with it. If any
Visual Basic programmers know how to fix this then please email us.
*7 KB*
SuperDOS ASCII-Chart:
The DOS version for the Ascii Chart packed up to only 792 bytes!!!
This amazing little program is very good. It gives the Ascii Value
and the Scan Value of any character on the keyboard. All you gotta do is
open it and press a key and it will give you the Ascii value for it. ESCAPE
quits. This program used to be 467 bytes but it had no text in it. All
it did was say the Scan Value & ASCII Value without saying which is
*792 BYTES* - This cool application is less than
a KiloByte!!!
All The Minor PROGRAMS:
Here are all of the programs in one .ZIP file. It is whole lot easier than
downloading 9 seperately. This .ZIP file also includes this page on it
for help references.
To get every source code to all the minor programs,
you must pay $20 which is $7 cheaper than getting them all separately.
Also, if you get the source code now, then whenever we create a new Minor
Program, you get the source code for free!!!
*42 KB*
Multi-Player Tic Tac Toe & Chat: This
is a cool multi-player tic tac toe game that Twan, a member of Dictator
Interactive Entertainment, made. In this tic tac toe game, you can chat
with your opponent while you are playing. It comes with the source code.
*27 KB*